Whimsical Publishing & Illustration


It seems that Disney/Pixar has finally perfected the image of the strong independent Princess in their new animated film, Brave.  Why do I say that?  Well… this time she doesn’t actually have a PRINCE!

Don’t misunderstand – there are princes in this story but none of them are equal to this enigmatic Princess.  Part way into the film Princess Merida is fed up with watching her very “unsuitable” suitors compete for her hand, so, she sneaks into the archery competition herself and proclaims, “I am Merida, and I’ll be shooting for my own hand!”.  And much to the chagrin of her parents – she wins!

I am embarrassed to admit that this was the first movie my kids and I have ever seen in 3D whew – pretty exciting stuff for our little rural town!  (Which also explains why I’m quite behind the times in writing about this movie too… hah!  Things take a bit longer to get to our wee theatre.) 😉  Seriously though… delightful movie!  Plenty of scenes to make you and your children giggle and the story-line especially pleased me.  It was entirely unexpected – I’m applauding Disney/Pixar for taking a little of the predictability out of their newest fairy tale.

~ Micheline 🙂

Click HERE to see Brave’s official trailers.
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