Summer Pastimes

Me, Kayla & Babe

HEY – it’s me, Hannah, I’m back! (That’s me pictured above with a little friend and one of my ponies.) If you have never seen my previous posts please check them out by clicking here >>> How to Draw a Dragon & Our Crazy Animals!

I did it! I finished grade 8 (and part of grade 9 actually… there are some perks to home schooling like; going at your own speed πŸ™‚ ). I’m so happy school is finished and that I am on summer holidays! HOORAY!!! What do you do during the summer – when there’s no school to distract you?

Playing video games is all very well, but in the summer??? No, I think summertime is for getting outside for a walk, going for a bike ride, jumping on the trampoline with the sprinkler underneath or… you could simply drop a water balloon on a friend when they aren’t paying attention! πŸ˜‰ The possibilities are endless!

Summer pastimes may vary, but in my opinion it is the best season!
For two reasons;
1: No school!! :}
2: and well…. NOOOOOO SCHOOL!!! (Hee hee! πŸ˜‰ )

So what do I do during the summer?

Well… usually I go camping with my family at some point but because we live on a farm far away from downtown and a little distanced from most friends then one needs to get creative; I can train the pigs, play with the chickens, give the horses a bath, go for a walk with the dog, or give the barn cats some attention.

This is one of our newest barn kitties – her name is ‘Mrs. Norris’.
(I know, a very grown-up name for such a little girl!)
This is our other newbie – his name is ‘Eragon’.

I really like toΒ  listen to music and hang out with the animals – sometimes daydreaming, sometimes drawing, or thinking up new ideas for a story. (I actually find that a farm also has its own type of music too: the horses are the beat, walking along, the chickens are the guitar chords, clucking and crowing while the dog is a singer barking at the cats. πŸ˜‰ ) You could ride in the wood-shed wagon down a hill and have it tip with you still in it and fall – hands and knees – into a puddle. Or you could carry a hen around and see if she eats more grasshoppers than your brother’s hen. You could jump into the horses’ water trough when you’re hot and run – barefoot – around their pen, jumping, playing, rolling in the dirt and then getting back into the water… who knows?!Β  (Just so ya know – these are all based on VERY real experiences! πŸ™‚ )

This is one of our piglets – her name is ‘Squirt’.
This is my favourite hen – her name is ‘Sweets’.
She is so tame that she’ll eat out of my hand and I can carry her around with me anywhere. πŸ™‚

Hannah πŸ™‚