Naruto and Hinata Valentine’s Day Colouring Page!

Hey all, it’s Hannah again!!

I’ve been watching a lot of anime and reading a lot lately and I decided to whip up a Valentine’s Day colouring page… last time it was a dragon… this time it’s two characters from the ever popular anime; Naruto. 😀 Can’t help it! I love it! Their names are Naruto and Hinata.

If you’re interested in seeing more of my drawings, you can follow me on Instagram! My username is @icandrawiswear. ^_^ Naruto.jpg

DOWNLOAD AND PRINT –> Naruto & Hinata Valentines Page

SnowWhite & The Huntsman

Hey, it’s Hannah again, I thought I’d just share a bit about a song and a movie, both of which I really like . . .

I was with a friend a while ago and we were just sort of sitting around, and she decided to show me a song on YouTube by one of her favourite singers. I said okay, and she brought it up for me. I couldn’t believe it! The song was amazing, the singer was amazing! 😀

You can watch both the official movie trailer and the music video  – just click here!

In the background, behind the singer there was an entire choir, and a whole group of musicians as well. They had violins, cellos, trumpets, the whole sha-bang. But as the music started so did scenes from a new movie that was out in theatres, “Snow White and the Huntsman.”

The song fit so well with the scenes, the song was called, “Breath of Life” by: Florence + the Machine. She had been asked to make a song for the movie. I loved it so much I watched the video, then re-watched it, and re-watched it, (I swear I broke the repeat button) and eventually bought the song on iTunes! 🙂

My Mom wondered why I liked the song so much, and I showed her the video, after it was over she said, “We should watch that movie!” So we looked up on the internet if it was out, and the very next evening we were sitting in the theatre waiting for “Snow White and the Huntsman” to begin. I was so excited! After watching that music video fifty times I was finally going to find out what the movie was about!

It was a really really good movie. I loved the action, the fight scenes, the creatures, and the dwarves!! The storyline was great, and the evil queen was actually pretty cool. The huntsman was really good with an axe, and Snow White learned a bit about fighting from him.

At the end credits they played, “Breath of Life”. . . I actually started to sing a long! 🙂 If it weren’t for that song I would never have gotten to see the movie, it was actually the song that inspired Mom and I to go. And I’m so glad we did!!

You can watch the music video and movie trailer at the link I attached above. Who knows? Maybe after watching it you may want to see the movie too, I say go for it!! I would re-watch it again if I “had” to.  😉

~ Hannah

P.S. Please check out my other previous posts here in this category > By Kids for Kids

Summer Pastimes

Me, Kayla & Babe

HEY – it’s me, Hannah, I’m back! (That’s me pictured above with a little friend and one of my ponies.) If you have never seen my previous posts please check them out by clicking here >>> How to Draw a Dragon & Our Crazy Animals!

I did it! I finished grade 8 (and part of grade 9 actually… there are some perks to home schooling like; going at your own speed 🙂 ). I’m so happy school is finished and that I am on summer holidays! HOORAY!!! What do you do during the summer – when there’s no school to distract you?

Playing video games is all very well, but in the summer??? No, I think summertime is for getting outside for a walk, going for a bike ride, jumping on the trampoline with the sprinkler underneath or… you could simply drop a water balloon on a friend when they aren’t paying attention! 😉 The possibilities are endless!

Summer pastimes may vary, but in my opinion it is the best season!
For two reasons;
1: No school!! :}
2: and well…. NOOOOOO SCHOOL!!! (Hee hee! 😉 )

So what do I do during the summer?

Well… usually I go camping with my family at some point but because we live on a farm far away from downtown and a little distanced from most friends then one needs to get creative; I can train the pigs, play with the chickens, give the horses a bath, go for a walk with the dog, or give the barn cats some attention.

This is one of our newest barn kitties – her name is ‘Mrs. Norris’.
(I know, a very grown-up name for such a little girl!)
This is our other newbie – his name is ‘Eragon’.

I really like to  listen to music and hang out with the animals – sometimes daydreaming, sometimes drawing, or thinking up new ideas for a story. (I actually find that a farm also has its own type of music too: the horses are the beat, walking along, the chickens are the guitar chords, clucking and crowing while the dog is a singer barking at the cats. 😉 ) You could ride in the wood-shed wagon down a hill and have it tip with you still in it and fall – hands and knees – into a puddle. Or you could carry a hen around and see if she eats more grasshoppers than your brother’s hen. You could jump into the horses’ water trough when you’re hot and run – barefoot – around their pen, jumping, playing, rolling in the dirt and then getting back into the water… who knows?!  (Just so ya know – these are all based on VERY real experiences! 🙂 )

This is one of our piglets – her name is ‘Squirt’.
This is my favourite hen – her name is ‘Sweets’.
She is so tame that she’ll eat out of my hand and I can carry her around with me anywhere. 🙂

Hannah 🙂

Our Crazy Animals!

We very happily live on a farm in Creston, BC. The other day the sun was shining and  so Micheline’s daughter, Hannah, decided to head outside for some relaxing quiet time. The following is what she wrote about her little adventure outside and it also includes some pics of our crazy farm animals – it was so cute we had to share! 🙂

It was such a nice day out! And since I had planned on writing out the lyrics of one of my favourite songs I thought, ‘Might as well go outside and hang out in the sun and relax.’   

I got out there with my pen, paper and iPod, I sat down in the grass not too far from my ponies. The kittens were playing underneath one of the blue pine trees and Nala – our dog – was hanging out as well.

I began to write the lyrics of the song and my pony, Bandit, decided to come and say hi. He was nibbling grass, creeping slowly closer and closer, (He thinks he’s pretty sneaky. 😀 ) I thought nothing of if until he shoved my shoe out of the way to get the grass underneath! He kept shoving either my shoe or my knee or my hand. Eventually I pushed his nose away and kept writing.

Then the kittens decided to join, they came up and rubbed all over me and one jumped onto my lap and was purring in my ear and rubbing on my arms as I tried to write!

And of course who should show up next but Nala!!! She sat down beside me and was licking my hand. So I stopped writing and sat there for a minute petting the dog, petting the kittens. And occasionally shoving Bandit out of the way, thinking, ‘Yeah. This is real relaxing.’

After a bit I began to write again. This time I tried to ignore the animals. One of the kittens was attacking my headphones, one was sitting on my lap and Bandit…well he stole my pen. I wasn’t too happy with him for that.

Sigh…but those are our crazy animals! They just love you to death!!
– Hannah 😉

This picture below is Hannah with her other pony – Babe.  Thanks for your cute story Hannah!